
About Forrest School

School Mission Statement: The mission of Forrest School is to assist each student in developing to his or her highest potential.

School Motto: “Class, Pride, Tradition”

School Mascot: Rockets

School Enrollment: 811 Students (7th – 12th)

Fundamental Beliefs:

  1. School culture and classroom climate will provide students with a safe, secure, and productive learning environment.
  2. Relationships are crucial to academic success.
  3. Everything possible must be done to prepare students for life after high school.
  4. Instruction across various curricula is the best practice to ensure student learning.
  5. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are critical to student development.
  6. Practical application of technology must be infused into all curriculum.
  7. Athletics and extracurricular activities develop leadership and life skills.
  8. Exposure to literature and fine arts deepens students’ aesthetic appreciation and promotes creativity.
  9. Use of data drives instruction and assessment.
  10. Learning transcends the four walls of the classroom.

(931) 246-4733 - Phone

(931) 246-4732 - Fax

Forrest School
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May 2024

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