
Marshall County High School strives for excellence, builds relationships, cultivates character, and develops productive citizens.

Our school vision is Merit, Community, Honor and Service.

(931) 359-1549 - Phone

(931) 359-4784 - Fax

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Dr. Justin Perry
Dr. Justin Perry, Principal

Justin Perry has been a Tiger nearly all his life. He is a proud alumnus of MCHS, a former teacher and football coach at MCHS, and am now proudly serving as principal of MCHS. He obtained his B.A. degree in History at the University of Memphis (Go Tigers!), his M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from MTSU, and his Ed.S. and Ed.D. degrees from Lipscomb University. He truly believes in being a life-long learner and want to impress upon our students how important it is to never stop learning and trying to become the best version of yourself! He is married to his wife Sara Perry, who is also a wonderful 5th grade English teacher in Marshall County Schools.

Assistant Principal David Steely
Mr. David Steely, Assistant Principal

David Steely is beginning year 31 in education and year 28 at Marshall County High School. He is a proud MCHS alumni, graduating in 1989, and then went on to receive his B.S. and Masters degree from Middle Tennessee State University.  He will also be serving as the head coach of the MCHS basketball Tigerettes for the 17th year.  He is married to Hayley Steely, and has two daughters, Gracie and Maggie.  Go Tigers!

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May 2024

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